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90 Rivonia Rd,Johannesburg,2196

Mining Chemicals



Proprietary Flotation Technology

  • AM™ Series of Hydroxamate Patented Collectors for selective flotation of Base Metals Oxides, REO & Industrial Minerals
  • DLQ, ELQ, MLQ & TLQ Series of Liquid Sulphide Collectors

Primary Collectors

  • Xanthate Collectors
  • Modified Fatty Acids

Secondary Collectors

  • Dithiophosphates
  • Dithiocarbamates
  • Thionocarbamates

HydroFroth™ Range

  • Ore specific tailored specialty Frothers
  • Non Hazardous
  • High flash point

Sulphidising Agents

  • Sodium Hydrosulphide (NaHs)
  • Sodium Sulphide (Na2s)


  • Revadep Range for Fe, Talc & Mica
  • Modified CMCs
  • Starches
  • Guars
  • Specifically Tailored Depressants targeting various Gangue
  • Sodium Silicate

Promoters – Industrial Minerals

  • Unicol Series

Thickener Reagents

  • Brontë PAM Flocculants

Hydromet Reagents

  • ALC7G Smoothing Agent
  • Soda Ash
  • Sodium Metabisulphite
  • Lime
  • Acids
  • Diluents
  • Magnesium Oxide supplied by Magnesia Solutions

Lab Chemicals

We also have Metallurgical Laboratories located in South Africa, India and Paris, covering R&D on flotation reagents, Acid Mist depression, Fe and Co precipitation and solid-liquid separation. We offer a fully complementary service to existing and prospective clients. The laboratories are equipped to provide tailor made flotation solutions on a range of commodity minerals, which includes Copper, Cobalt, Nickel, Phosphate, Rare Earths, etc. All laboratories are staffed with qualified Metallurgists and Chemists that can advise clients on their specific reagent requirements with flotation and hydrometallurgical processes.

EcoGrate is a registered trade mark owned by Celtic Product Development Ltd. Eco Grate is patented (utility & design). Further Patents Pending.
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